UNITEC HOT is especially suitable for joints exposed to high temperatures up to 230 °C. The product is extremely resistant to shock and vibration, and has a high locking force, which corresponds to a locking strength that actually corresponds to a thread locking and separation requires heating with a blowtorch. Operating temperature from -50 to 230 ° C. Cured to handle after 20-40 min. Function cured 3-6 hours. UNITEC HOT is approved for gas and high temperatures up to 230 °C.
(Because we have no control over the use of the product, we recommended test installation to ensure that the product is suitable for the intended installation.)
Product |
Packing |
Item no. |
VVS-no. |
RSK-no. |
LVI-no. |
50 ml tube |
4092050 |
271340650 |
4051440 |
3186167 |
75 ml "bellows" tube |
4092075 |
271340675 |
4051441 |
3186168 |