


MULTISEAL a liquid sealant which is added directly to the water in a closed heating system for sealing off hidden leaks. MULTISEAL is available in different product varieties attuned to the environment where a leak has to be sealed. MULTISEAL can be used in connection with district heating systems, all heating systems with heaters with oil burner or fuel boilers, floor heating systems, drain and sewer systems. MULTISEAL is also available for drinking water installation, gas installations, solar installations and pool systems.



MULTISEAL sealing systems is based on dispersed crystalline minerals. MULTISEAL is pumped into the heating system and leaks are sealed here in a few days "by itself" through sediments of silicate left on the edge og the leakage. It is therefore not necessary to know exactly where any leakage is to seal it with MULTISEAL – MULTISEAL simply has to circulated in the system in the rigth concentration for a few days in a loop (heating-systems) or a constant pressure of 5-7 bar may be established (drinking water systems) and within a few days the leak will be sealed - the period of the sealing process depends on the leak size and temperature of the evironment.
Utilizing MULTISEAL for drinking water, the sealing metode is slightly different as indicated because this product is used undiluted and has to be pumped directly into the leaky drinking water string and kept under pressure there for a while to establish the seal.
MULTISEAL also excists in an apporoved GAS-version but when sealing gas systems the sealing process is a little more laborious, and we will not go into a full discription here.
Utilizing MULTISEAL for pool systems it is not necessary to establish neither pressure nor circuits - the product is simply poured in the pool water at the right concentration.
MULTISEAL also excists in a special version for sevage systems, but this is a two componet system which also involves a hardener and again we will not go into a full discription here.



Rinse the the heating system using MULTISEAL cleaning fluid (only needed by older instalations). MULTISEAL is pumped into a loop directly into the heating instalation (or drinking water installation) either concentrated or diluted until the desired pH value in the circuit is achieved according to product and type of installation. Either a loop or a constant pressure of 5-7 bar may then be established and within a few days the leak will be sealed - the period of the sealing process depends on the leak size and temperature of the evironment. When the leak is sealed, the system may be rinsed with pure clean water and the sealing process is completed. Alternatively MULTISEAL may be kept in the system water at the right concentration (not possible in district heating systems). When sealing gas systems and sewage systems the sealing process is a little more laborious.



By skin contact wash off skin with plenty of soap and water. Wear safety goggles when working with MULTISEAL! By eye contact away rinse immediately with plenty of water. Spills on clothing are removed easily at normal temperature machine wash. NOTE! To avoid falls and silicate sediments any spill of MULTISEAL has to be washed of immeditaly.

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