MULTISEAL is a series of liquid sealants which is added directly to the water in a closed heating system for sealing off hidden leaks. In the program you also find cleaninf fluids for heating systems (MULTISEAL HR) and drinking water systems (MULTISEAL R13) as well as Corrosion protection for heating systems (MULTISEAL K32) and a corrosion and anti freezing fluid (MULTISEAL FS) 



MULTISEAL HR is a highly concetrated cleaning fluid for heating systems - it contains different inhibitors which allows it to be used on all heating systems also heating systems with integrated aluminium parts.

MULTISEAL R13 is a highly concentrated cleaning fluid espicially designed for drinking water installations.

MULTISEAL K32 is a corrosion protection for all heating systems, also heating systems with integrated aluminium parts.

MULTISEAL FS is a corrosion and anti freezing fluid for all systems.


MULTISEAL HR: The heating system to be added Multiseal HR must be free of sealants, other inhibitors and other corrosion protection fluids. By using the product correctly no damage to pumps and valves will occur. During the cleaning process where Multiseal HR dissolves example lime sediments gases may be developed. It is therefore important to ensure that sufficient ventilation to the heating system while it is cleaned.
If there is much sludge and impurities in the heating system the heating system must be flushed thoroughly and fill with clean water. All fittings and valves affecting the heating circuit are now opened completely. Multiseal HR is pumped into the heating water in the required quantity (1 Liter Multiseal HR per 100 Litre system water) and the circulation pump is started to achieve an optimal distribution and cleaning. The product must remain in the heating system in 2 to 4 days and the plant operating temperature is in this period must not exceed 60 ˚C. When the cleaning process is finished, empty the heating system completely and flush thoroughly with clean water. For larger older plants a sludge trap should be built in. For floor heating system with a small flow of system water MULTISEAL HR may be used at a little higher concentration. After the cleaning process has been finished and the heating system has been refilled with water Multiseal K 32 or Multiseal FS may be added to the system

MULTISEAL R13: A chemical cleaning with Multiseal R13 to remove lime, boiler scale and rust, is a quick and safe method for restoring the full capacity of the plant. Multiseal R13 is suitable for all types of water and heating systems for purification of the plants inside - piping, heat exchangers, hot water system, boilers, water heaters, cooling systems and cooling towers can all be cleaned with Multiseal R13.
Multiseal R13 is used as a cleaning fluid directly in water and heating systems with lime sediments in connection with the circulation in the plant without interrupting the water circulation. BCG R13 can be used with most materials in heating equipment such as steel, copper, plastic, brass and galvanized materials. Multiseal R13's high content of inhibitors protects the metal in the heating system from corrosion during the cleaning process. Multiseal R13 is also the right choice for cleaning pumps and valves with lime sediments. Multiseal R13 is particularly suitable for cleaning galvanized cooling towers without service interruption.
Multiseal R13 may be diluted with up to 2 part water. This solution Allow to circulate water or heating installation that you want to clean. The pH of the diluted solution is < 1. During the cleaning process Multiseal R13 is consumed and the pH value rises. At a pH of 4.5 Multiseal R13 is consumed. When cleaning valves, pump parts and other items a 50% solution of MULTISEAL R13 and water is recommended. If the water system is highly  polluted or contain many lime sediments the cleaning of the system may take several hours.
The actual cleaning process is speed up with increasing temperature - however, the solvent temperature in the facility should not exceed 50˚C. After the cleaning process has been finished, the water system has to be flushed thoroughly several times with clean water, and successively filled immediately with clean water again in order to prevent corrosion through air contact.

MULTISEAL K32: If there is a lot of sludge in the plant rinse it thoroughly first – we recommend using Multiseal HR. The plant is emptied and the contents measured to ascertain the plants total volume. The plant is filled halfway up and the required amount of K32 is added - 1 Litre K32 per 100 Litres of water. The plant is filled completely with water and aired. Multiseal K32 can be used with any known anti-freeze.
The concentration of K32 Multiseal must be checked using the test kit “Multiseal Test” approx. 1 hour of operation after the product is mixed into the system water. The Molybdat content must be between 250 and 400 mg/L Mo. Since Multiseal K32 dissolves existing calcium deposits specifically at older plants, the entire heating system should be flushed again after 1 to 3 months. For larger installations a dirt/sludge catcher should be built in. Then fill the system again with Multiseal K32 and check theconcentration. If Multiseal K32 is used in a too low concentration corrosion occurs in the plant.

MULTISEAL FS: If there is a lot of sludge in the plant rinse it thoroughly first – we recommend using Multiseal HR. The plant is emptied and the contents measured to ascertain the plants total volume. The plant is filled halfway up and the required amount of MULTISEAL FS is added - for proper mixing ratio please refer to the following table. The plant is filled completely with water and aired. After the plant has been fully operational in a few hours, the content of antifreeze is checked by measuring the content of propylene glycol in the system water. We recommend to control the content of Multiseal FS once annually, and if necessary priming up with Multiseal FS.


Total amount of water in the system

Amount of water to let out of the system


Frost protection down to

100 L

12 L

12 L

- 3 ˚C

100 L

18 L

18 L

- 6 ˚C

100 L

25 L

25 L

- 10 ˚C

100 L

32 L

32 L

- 15 ˚C

100 L

40 L

40 L

- 20 ˚C



MULTISEAL HR must immediately be removed from objects outside of the pipe system using plenty of water. MULTISEAL HR may not be used in heating systems where sealants or antifreeze has been added.By skin contact wash off skin with plenty of soap and water.

MULTISEAL R13: After the cleaning process has been finished, the water system has to be flushed thoroughly several times with clean water, and successively filled immediately with clean water again in order to prevent corrosion through air contact.

MULTISEAL K32: The system has to be filled with K32 in the correct concetration, flushed af 1 - 3 months and the reilled with K32 again in the correct concentration. The content of Multiseal K32 should be checked once a year.

MULTISEAL FS: The system has to be filled with Multiseal FS in the correct concetration. The content of Multiseal FS should be checked once a year.

Wear safety goggles when working with MULTISEAL! By eye contact away rinse immediately with plenty of water. Spills on clothing are removed easily at normal temperature machine wash. NOTE! To avoid falls and silicate sediments any spill of MULTISEAL has to be washed of immeditaly.





Item no.






5 L can







5 L can







2½ Lcan






MULTISEAL K32 5 L can 8026050 251228350 4054443 9815806 3265257
MULTISEAL FS 5 L can 8027050 251228050 4054444 9815807 3265258
MULTISEAL FS 10 L can 8027100 251228110 4054445 9815808 3265259
MULTISEAL FS 30 L can 8027300 251228130 4054446 9815809 3265260

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